
Saturday, March 6, 2010

VHDL: BCD to 7-segment display converter


    7-segment displays are commonly used in FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) boards for displaying numeric and sometimes alphanumeric information. These displays consist of seven individual LED segments arranged in a pattern that can display numerals from 0 to 9, as well as some letters such as A-F for hexadecimal displays. 
Typical FPGA board with 7 segment display

    To show a certain character using the 7 segment display, you need to lit up the corresponding segments. This is done by not passing a voltage to it, basically driving it with a '0' signal in VHDL.    

The following image shows how the numbers from 0 to 9 can be displayed using a 7 segment display.


The following VHDL code can be used to convert bcd digits into 7 bit std_logic_vector signals which can be used to show the correct digits on the display piece. Note that, a in the above picture corresponds to MSB of segment7 and g corresponds to LSB of segment7.

VHDL Entity:

library IEEE;

entity seven_segment_decoder is
port (
    bcd : in unsigned(3 downto 0);  --BCD input
    -- 'a' corresponds to MSB of segment7 and g corresponds to LSB of segment7.
    segment7 : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)  -- 7 bit decoded output.
end seven_segment_decoder;

architecture Behavioral of seven_segment_decoder is


process (bcd)
case bcd is
    when "0000"=> segment7 <="0000001";  -- '0'
    when "0001"=> segment7 <="1001111";  -- '1'
    when "0010"=> segment7 <="0010010";  -- '2'
    when "0011"=> segment7 <="0000110";  -- '3'
    when "0100"=> segment7 <="1001100";  -- '4'
    when "0101"=> segment7 <="0100100";  -- '5'
    when "0110"=> segment7 <="0100000";  -- '6'
    when "0111"=> segment7 <="0001111";  -- '7'
    when "1000"=> segment7 <="0000000";  -- '8'
    when "1001"=> segment7 <="0000100";  -- '9'
    --nothing is displayed when a number more than 9 is given as input.
    when others=> segment7 <="1111111";
end case;
end process;

end Behavioral;

    If you want a decimal number of higher than 9 to be displayed using this code, then convert the decimal number into BCD and then instantiate this module for each digit in the BCD code.


Here is a sample test bench code for this module:

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;

ENTITY tb_seg7_decoder IS
END tb_seg7_decoder;

ARCHITECTURE behavior OF tb_seg7_decoder IS

signal bcd : unsigned(3 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal segment7 : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);


--entity port mapping. Usiong 
uut: entity work.seven_segment_decoder PORT MAP 
    (bcd => bcd,
    segment7 => segment7); 

stim_proc: process
    -- apply an input bcd digit and wait for 100 ns
    -- so that we can check the output in the waveform.         
    for i in 0 to 9 loop
        bcd <= to_unsigned(i,4);
	wait for 100 ns;
    end loop;
end process;


Simulation waveform:

The codes were simulated using modelsim and the following simulation waveform was obtained.


  1. hello.. can you pls post a test bench for this code.. tnx...

  2. @Alfred : I have modified the post including the test bench.Hope that helps..

  3. thank you, it is so useful for me.
    Can you show me, how to control a animation on vga using keyboard in vhdl

  4. Hi, I'm trying to implement the sum of two numbers with 5 bits and show in two digits SSD, but with no success, do you have any idea how to do this?

    I had success with decimal counter until 99, but how make this work whit the sum, I don't know.


  5. Can some one help me with the code for Four bit BCD decimal COUNTER using VHDL and the 74LS90. I'm using Xilinx 12.1 and I'm really struggling with the logic gate code.
    my email is

  6. Please help me!

    Write a VHDL code to perform the function of multiplier
    which the inputs are from Dip Switch and outputs
    display to 7-segment LED with BCD.
    X : dip 1~4represents value 0~15
    Y : dip 5~8represents value 0~15

    Thanks you so much

  7. write a VHDL prog to display number on BCD-7 segment display , input given from ps/2 keyboard

  8. can you help me to get a VHBL program for 64 bit CSA

  9. Can you post the synthesis report.

  10. Hi, need help can you please provide me the VHDL codes for "SN74LS247" which is BCD 2 7-segment decoder/driver similar to one mention above but it has 3 additional logic and no clock.
    plz help me or u can send me code on
    This will be really appreciated.

  11. can you post code for multiplexed display

  12. can anyone send me the project which consists ASIC design that are using synthesis tool and VHDL code. I'm new from this field can anyone send overall view to design the project. what the companies can do regarding ASIC design (overall) send to email address

    please send it asap............and overall project

  13. In reply to @Bhaumik:

    library IEEE;
    use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;

    entity SN74LS247 is
    Port ( BCD_I : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
    RBI : in STD_LOGIC;
    LT : in STD_LOGIC;
    BI : in STD_LOGIC;
    RBO : out STD_LOGIC;
    SEG_O : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0));
    end SN74LS247;

    architecture Behavioral of SN74LS247 is
    signal enable : std_logic;

    enable <= LT and BI;

    SEG_O <= "1111110" when (BCD_I = "0000") and enable = '1' and RBI = '1' else -- 0
    "0110000" when (BCD_I = "0001") and enable = '1' else -- 1
    "1101101" when (BCD_I = "0010") and enable = '1' else -- 2
    "1111001" when (BCD_I = "0011") and enable = '1' else -- 3
    "0110011" when (BCD_I = "0100") and enable = '1' else -- 4
    "1011011" when (BCD_I = "0101") and enable = '1' else -- 5
    "1011111" when (BCD_I = "0110") and enable = '1' else -- 6
    "1110000" when (BCD_I = "0111") and enable = '1' else -- 7
    "1111111" when (BCD_I = "1000") and enable = '1' else -- 8
    "1111011" when (BCD_I = "1001") and enable = '1' else -- 9
    "0001101" when (BCD_I = "1010") and enable = '1' else -- 10
    "0011001" when (BCD_I = "1011") and enable = '1' else -- 11
    "0100011" when (BCD_I = "1100") and enable = '1' else -- 12
    "1001011" when (BCD_I = "1101") and enable = '1' else -- 13
    "0001111" when (BCD_I = "1110") and enable = '1' else -- 14
    "0000000" when (BCD_I = "1111") and enable = '1' else -- 15
    "0000000" when RBI = '0' and LT = '1' and BCD_I = "0000" and BI = '0' else
    "0000000" when BI = '0' else
    "1111111" when LT = '0' else

    RBO <= '1' when LT='1' and RBI='0' and BCD_I="0000" else '0';

    end Behavioral;

    1. Urgent...
      I need test bench for this please,

      library IEEE;
      use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;

      entity SN74LS247 is
      Port ( BCD_I : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
      RBI : in STD_LOGIC;
      LT : in STD_LOGIC;
      BI : in STD_LOGIC;
      RBO : out STD_LOGIC;
      SEG_O : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0));
      end SN74LS247;

      architecture Behavioral of SN74LS247 is
      signal enable : std_logic;

      enable <= LT and BI;

      SEG_O <= "1111110" when (BCD_I = "0000") and enable = '1' and RBI = '1' else -- 0
      "0110000" when (BCD_I = "0001") and enable = '1' else -- 1
      "1101101" when (BCD_I = "0010") and enable = '1' else -- 2
      "1111001" when (BCD_I = "0011") and enable = '1' else -- 3
      "0110011" when (BCD_I = "0100") and enable = '1' else -- 4
      "1011011" when (BCD_I = "0101") and enable = '1' else -- 5
      "1011111" when (BCD_I = "0110") and enable = '1' else -- 6
      "1110000" when (BCD_I = "0111") and enable = '1' else -- 7
      "1111111" when (BCD_I = "1000") and enable = '1' else -- 8
      "1111011" when (BCD_I = "1001") and enable = '1' else -- 9
      "0001101" when (BCD_I = "1010") and enable = '1' else -- 10
      "0011001" when (BCD_I = "1011") and enable = '1' else -- 11
      "0100011" when (BCD_I = "1100") and enable = '1' else -- 12
      "1001011" when (BCD_I = "1101") and enable = '1' else -- 13
      "0001111" when (BCD_I = "1110") and enable = '1' else -- 14
      "0000000" when (BCD_I = "1111") and enable = '1' else -- 15
      "0000000" when RBI = '0' and LT = '1' and BCD_I = "0000" and BI = '0' else
      "0000000" when BI = '0' else
      "1111111" when LT = '0' else

      RBO <= '1' when LT='1' and RBI='0' and BCD_I="0000" else '0';

      end Behavioral;

      my email is :

  14. how to i show the otuput of this above program using quartus II

  15. please help me i need vhdl code for mimo using communication system

  16. i need vhdl coding for mimo using communication system

  17. hi could you please create a TEST BECH for SN74LS247...

  18. hi , is the clock necessary for this code ?

  19. hi , is the clock necessary for this code ?

  20. hie can anyone help me to blink an external led using spartan 3e using vhdl

  21. help me, i need vhdl code for counter for atm machine when login more than 3 times its terminate . please urgent :(

  22. Hi ,,do you know how to do vhdl code for 2 bit x 2 bit multiplier using decoder to seven segment display?? Please please help me..i seriously dont know how to do it.

  23. hi i need to code 7segment BCD by use if , else. Please help me and thank for answer.

  24. how do you display on the 7-segment display and display using the led's to display the binary value at the same time

  25. do you have the corresponding XDC file ?

  26. If block diagram of binary to 7segment is given , much easier to understand.
    Plz. If anyone can post the block diagram and vhdl code in behavioural modelling for this .
