VHDL coding tips and tricks: October 2017

Sunday, October 29, 2017

VHDL code for Hexadecimal to 7-Segment Display Converter

Few years back, I wrote a post on BCD to 7-segment display converter. This code is an update to the old code. The main changes are:
  • Removed the clock which was unnecessary.
  • Removed the libraries which weren't used.
  • Extended for accepting hexadecimal inputs, and not only BCD.
The module takes 4 bit BCD as input and outputs 7 bit decoded output for driving the seven segment display unit. A seven segment display can be used to display hexadecimal digits. They have LED or LCD elements which becomes active when the input is zero.The figure shows how different digits are displayed:

VHDL code for the 7 segment converter:

library IEEE;

entity to_7seg is
    Port ( A : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
          seg7 : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0)
end to_7seg;

architecture Behavioral of to_7seg is


--'a' corresponds to MSB of seg7 and 'g' corresponds to LSB of seg7.
process (A)
    case A is
        when "0000"=> seg7 <="0000001";  -- '0'
        when "0001"=> seg7 <="1001111";  -- '1'
        when "0010"=> seg7 <="0010010";  -- '2'
        when "0011"=> seg7 <="0000110";  -- '3'
        when "0100"=> seg7 <="1001100";  -- '4' 
        when "0101"=> seg7 <="0100100";  -- '5'
        when "0110"=> seg7 <="0100000";  -- '6'
        when "0111"=> seg7 <="0001111";  -- '7'
        when "1000"=> seg7 <="0000000";  -- '8'
        when "1001"=> seg7 <="0000100";  -- '9'
        when "1010"=> seg7 <="0001000";  -- 'A'
        when "1011"=> seg7 <="1100000";  -- 'b'
        when "1100"=> seg7 <="0110001";  -- 'C'
        when "1101"=> seg7 <="1000010";  -- 'd'
        when "1110"=> seg7 <="0110000";  -- 'E'
        when "1111"=> seg7 <="0111000";  -- 'F'
        when others =>  NULL;
    end case;
end process;

end Behavioral;

Testbench code for the converter:

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
USE ieee.std_logic_arith.ALL;
ENTITY tb_seg IS
END tb_seg;
ARCHITECTURE behavior OF tb_seg IS 

    COMPONENT to_7seg
         A : IN  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
         seg7 : OUT  std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)
   signal A : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0');
   signal seg7 : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
    -- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
   uut: to_7seg PORT MAP (
          A => A,
          seg7 => seg7

  -- Stimulus process
   stim_proc: process
        for i in 0 to 15 loop
            A <= conv_std_logic_vector(i,4);
            wait for 50 ns;
        end loop;
   end process;


Simulation waveform:

The code was synthesised and simulated using Xilinx ISE 14.6. The following waveform verifies the correct working of the code.

Count the number of 1's in a Binary number - Circuit design and VHDL implementation

Suppose you have a binary number, how do you count the number of one's in it? There are more than one way to do it. We will see three ways to do it and compare their performances.

Let's take a 16 bit binary number. The output of our design will have a width of 5 bits, to include the maximum value of output, which is 16("10000").

For example,

Input = "1010_0010_1011_0010" =>  Output = "00111" ( 7 in decimal)
Input = "1110_1010_1001_1010" =>  Output = "01001" ( 9 in decimal)
Input = "0011_0110_1000_1011" =>  Output = "01000" ( 8 in decimal)

Design 1 - A simple VHDL code can be written to achieve this:

library IEEE;

entity num_ones_for is
    Port ( A : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
           ones : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (4 downto 0));
end num_ones_for;

architecture Behavioral of num_ones_for is


variable count : unsigned(4 downto 0) := "00000";
    count := "00000";   --initialize count variable.
    for i in 0 to 15 loop   --check for all the bits.
        if(A(i) = '1') then --check if the bit is '1'
            count := count + 1; --if its one, increment the count.
        end if;
    end loop;
    ones <= std_logic_vector(count);    --assign the count to output.
end process;

end Behavioral;

The code isn't that big and the logic is easy to understand. But it's less efficient and uses much more resources than the customized design I will present next.

Another way to achieve our purpose, would be to add all the bits in our input. Think of it as a sequence of 16 one bit-adders. The zeros in the input vector will not change the sum and effectively we get the sum as the number of ones in the vector.

***Design 2 -See the VHDL code below to get what I meant:

library IEEE;

entity num_ones_for is
    Port ( A : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
           ones : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (4 downto 0));
end num_ones_for;

architecture Behavioral of num_ones_for is


variable count : unsigned(4 downto 0) := "00000";
    count := "00000";   --initialize count variable.
    for i in 0 to 15 loop   --for all the bits.
        count := count + ("0000" & A(i));   --Add the bit to the count.
    end loop;
    ones <= std_logic_vector(count);    --assign the count to output.
end process;

end Behavioral;

Well, design 2 looks much more simpler than design 1 and the synthesis results showed that its much more faster and uses less LUT's.

Design 3:

Can we achieve more performance still? Yes, its possible. For this we need to implement the gate level circuit for the Design 2. See the below image to see how this might look like:

To add all the bits in the 16 bit input vector, we use a series of full adders(with 3 inputs inside the block) and half adders(with 2 inputs inside the block). Each block in the picture above is numbered from 0 to 17. The right most side has the first layer of adders. The sum and carry outputs of these adders are passed on to next stage of adders and so on, until we reach the final sum.

The example shows the design for 16 bit vector, but we can use the same approach for a different sized input.

Lets look at the VHDL code for the above design:


library IEEE;

entity halfadder is
    port (: in std_logic;
            b : in std_logic;
           sum : out std_logic;
           carry : out std_logic
end halfadder;

architecture behavior of halfadder is


sum <= a xor b;
carry <= (and b);



library IEEE;

entity fulladder is
    port (: in std_logic;
            b : in std_logic;
           cin : in std_logic;
           sum : out std_logic;
           carry : out std_logic
end fulladder;

architecture behavior of fulladder is


sum <= a xor b xor cin;
carry <= (and b) or (cin and (xor b));


Design 3 - (Gatelevel code for design 2):-

library IEEE;

entity num_ones is
    Port ( A : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
           ones : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (4 downto 0));
end num_ones;

architecture Behavioral of num_ones is

component fulladder is
    port (: in std_logic;
            b : in std_logic;
           cin : in std_logic;
           sum : out std_logic;
           carry : out std_logic
end component;

component halfadder is
    port (: in std_logic;
            b : in std_logic;
           sum : out std_logic;
           carry : out std_logic
end component;

signal S,C : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);


fa0 : fulladder port map(A(0),A(1),A(2),S(0),C(0));
fa1 : fulladder port map(A(3),A(4),A(5),S(1),C(1));
fa2 : fulladder port map(A(6),A(7),A(8),S(2),C(2));
fa3 : fulladder port map(A(9),A(10),A(11),S(3),C(3));
fa4 : fulladder port map(A(12),A(13),A(14),S(4),C(4));

fa5 : fulladder port map(S(0),S(1),S(2),S(5),C(5));
fa6 : fulladder port map(S(3),S(4),A(15),S(6),C(6));
fa7 : fulladder port map(C(0),C(1),C(2),S(7),C(7));
ha8 : halfadder port map(C(3),C(4),S(8),C(8));

ha9 : halfadder port map(S(5),S(6),S(9),C(9));
ha10 : halfadder port map(S(7),S(8),S(10),C(10));
ha11 : halfadder port map(C(5),C(6),S(11),C(11));
ha12 : halfadder port map(C(7),C(8),S(12),C(12));

fa13 : fulladder port map(S(10),S(11),C(9),S(13),C(13));
fa14 : fulladder port map(S(12),C(10),C(11),S(14),C(14));

ha15 : halfadder port map(S(14),C(13),S(15),C(15));
ha16 : halfadder port map(C(12),C(14),S(16),C(16));

ha17 : halfadder port map(S(16),C(15),S(17),C(17));

ones <= C(17) & S(17) & S(15) & S(13) & S(9); --final output assignment.

end Behavioral;

Testbench code:-

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
ENTITY tb_ones IS
END tb_ones;
ARCHITECTURE behavior OF tb_ones IS 

    COMPONENT num_ones_for
         A : IN  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
         ones : OUT  std_logic_vector(4 downto 0)

   signal A : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0');
   signal ones : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
    -- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
   uut: num_ones_for PORT MAP (
          A => A,
          ones => ones
    -- Stimulus process
   stim_proc: process
        A <= X"FFFF"; wait for 100 ns;
        A <= X"F56F";   wait for 100 ns;
        A <= X"3FFF";   wait for 100 ns;
        A <= X"0001";   wait for 100 ns;
        A <= X"F10F";   wait for 100 ns;
        A <= X"7822";   wait for 100 ns;
        A <= X"7ABC";   wait for 100 ns;
   end process;


As you can see the code looks much more complicated for Design 3. Is it worth the effort? I would say no. I would say, we can stop at Design 2. See the table below to see how the performance have improved.


Name of Design
Combination delay
Number of Slice LUT’s used
Design 1
5.632 ns
Design 2
3.330 ns
Design 3
3.160 ns

As you can see Design 2 is much better than Design 1. But the performance of Design 3 compared to Design 2 is not so different. Therefore I conclude that it doesn't make sense to do all the effort.