The counter is designed using four JK flip flops. The VHDL code for these JK flipflops were previously shared in this blog, you would need to copy it from JK flipflop in VHDL to make this counter work. You can read more about synchronous counters from this article. I have shared the relevant circuit diagram here which will help you understand the code better.
The code is written using structural modelling. When the reset is low( '0' ) and the value of Clk changes from 0 to 1, the value of count gets incremented by 1. When the count reaches its maximum value of "1111", it gets rolled over to its initial value of "0000".
The reset input in this JK flipflop is said to be asynchronous because its value affects count, independent of the state of the clock signal.
VHDL Code for Synchronous Counter:
--libraries to be used are specified here library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; --entity declaration with port definitions entity sync_count4 is port(Clk: in std_logic; reset: in std_logic; --asynchronous reset for the counter count : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) --4 bit counter output ); end sync_count4; --architecture of entity architecture Behavioral of sync_count4 is --internal signal declaration. signal J3,J4,Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Qbar1,Qbar2,Qbar3,Qbar4 : std_logic :='0'; begin J3 <= Q1 and Q2; J4 <= J3 and Q3; --flip flops are instantiated here --entity instantiations with named association FF1 : entity work.JK_Flipflop port map (Clk => Clk, J => '1', K => '1', reset => reset, Q => Q1, Qbar => Qbar1); FF2 : entity work.JK_Flipflop port map (Clk => Clk, J => Q1, K => Q1, reset => reset, Q => Q2, Qbar => Qbar2); FF3 : entity work.JK_Flipflop port map (Clk => Clk, J => J3, K => J3, reset => reset, Q => Q3, Qbar => Qbar3); FF4 : entity work.JK_Flipflop port map (Clk => Clk, J => J4, K =>J4, reset => reset, Q => Q4, Qbar => Qbar4); --concatenate the outputs of the flipflops to form the count. count <= Q4 & Q3 & Q2 & Q1; end Behavioral;
Testbench code for Synchronous Counter:
--library declarations library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; --this is how entity for your test bench code has to be declared. entity testbench is end testbench; architecture behavior of testbench is --Signal declarations signal Clk,reset : std_logic := '0'; signal count : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000"; -- Clock period definitions constant Clk_period : time := 10 ns; begin -- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT). --This style is known as entity instantiation with named association UUT : entity work.sync_count4 port map(Clk => Clk, reset => reset, count => count); --Generate Clk with a period of 'Clk_period' Clk_generation: process begin wait for Clk_period/2; Clk <= not Clk; --toggle 'Clk' when half 'Clk_period' is over. end process; -- Stimulus process stimulus: process begin --Let the counter run for 20 clock cycles. reset <= '0'; wait for Clk_period*20;
--apply reset for 2 clock cycles. reset <='1'; wait for Clk_period*2;
reset <='0'; wait; end process; end;
Simulation Waveform:
The codes were simulated in Modelsim. This is a screenshot of the waveform. You can see how the reset input makes the count value 0 when its high.
Isn't the main code in structural ? got confused by architecture name.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like